Gas flowmeters Turbo Flow GFG-F

Measuring volumetric flow rate of gas transported via pipelines in gas supply / gas distribution systems.

Gas flowmeters Turbo Flow GFG-F are used for commercial and technological metering natural gas, single- and multi-component gases and non-aggressive gases (argon, nitrogen).

Measurement method:

The flowmeter’s operating principle is based on the dependence of the oscillation frequency of the measured medium jet in the flowmeter’s sensitive element on volumetric flow rate of the gas flowing through it. A fluid oscillator is used as the sensitive element of the flow transducer. The partial flow rate, flowing through the sensitive element, is ensured by the flow rate former. The oscillation frequency, proportional to the flow rate, formed in the sensitive element fluid oscillator, is received by the piezoelectric transducer and converter into an electric frequency signal coming to the electronic unit of the flow transducer. In the electronic unit the electric frequency signal, delivered from the piezoelectric transducer, is converted into a digital signal which determines the gas volume flow rate in the working conditions.


Flowmeters of Turbo Flow GFG series are used for:

  • volumetric flow rate measurement;
  • mass flow rate measurement;
  • calculating the accumulated gas volume;
  • gas volume correction by temperature and pressure

Advantages of method:

  • Stability of characteristics in time and metrological accuracy of 1%;
  • The wide dynamic range (up to 1:160) allows for accounting of the gas flow on a single nominal diameter of the measuring pipeline (instead of installation of two meters for the summer and winter gas volumes);
  • It is possible to measure very low flow rates from 0.016 m3/h;
  • Can be used together with a standard orifice on diameters up to 1,700 mm;
  • Insensitive to pneumatic loads and pulsations;
  • Absence of moving parts exposed to wear enhances reliability and extends service life.

Instrument functions :

  • Flow rate measurement;
  • Calculating volumetric and mass flow rate of gas reduced to standard conditions;
  • Temperature measurement;
  • Pressure measurement;
  • Archiving in non-volatile memory and display of the results of measurements and calculations of volume, flow rate, temperature and pressure and operation parameters;
  • Transmission of archive information and setting parameters to the flow measurement cabinet, printer, computer or data transmission device via the RS-232 or RS-485 interface;
  • A built-in data transmission unit (optional).

Configuration options:

Based on components and performed functions

  • Configuration  С0 – includes a flow transducer, a flow rate former;
  • Исполнение С1Т – includes a flow transducer, a flow rate former, temperature transducer, parameter computer;
  • Configuration  С1ТР – includes a flow transducer, a flow rate former, temperature transducer, pressure transducer, parameter computer;
  • Configuration  С1ТРП – includes a flow transducer, a flow rate former, temperature transducer, pressure transducer, parameter computer, interface for connection of external transducers;
  • Configuration  С2ТР – includes a flow transducer, a flow rate former, temperature transducer, pressure transducer, parameter computer, external terminal;
  • Configuration  С2ТРП – includes a flow transducer, a flow rate former, temperature transducer, pressure transducer, parameter computer, external terminal, interface for connection of external transducers.


Based on explosion protection

  • 0 Ex ia IIC T4 Ga (0 Ex ia IIC T6 Ga)
  • 1 Ex d [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gb (1 Ex d [ia Ga] IIC T6 Gb)

By power supply

  • self-contained;
  • 220V.

Additional equipment:

Straight sections

Flow measurement cabinet


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